Title:Sell Like a Marine: Close More Sales with the Proven Principles of World-Class Leadership
Author:Cory Steiner
Publication Date:January 19, 2015
Welcome to "Sell Like a Marine" where we apply the skills learned as
a United States Marine and over 25 years of sales experience to a plan for profound
growth in your sales career, virtually any other profession and in your personal
Through this journey we will review the specific traits that will present
new ways for you to deliver extraordinary value to your customers and others using
the proven principles of world-class leadership. We set the bar very high to strive
for new levels of personal and professional excellence by helping others to achieve
From "Born to Serve" to "The Infantry of Business" to
"A Sacred Oath" (plus 25 other chapters) we will navigate through to the
highest levels of success by internalizing the critical qualities that are essential
to serving to the best of your ability. Thank you very much for joining me as you
become an extraordinary role model of teaching, learning and leading with enormous
benefit to all.